What to Do if Your Disability Status is Being Audited

Roy Rickstrew Disability Representatives Near Me 417-882-1800

Tax season strikes fear in many of us. We can be as organized and ready as ever, but the lurking fear of filing incorrectly always lingers in the back of our minds. The same concept applies when we consider filing for disability.  Think of it like a health examination from the IRS; Social Security will […]

5 FREE Resources for People with Disabilities

Roy Rickstrew Disability Representatives Near Me 417-882-1800

Time to Read: 4 minutes There are many assistance programs for people struggling with a disability–especially if your health has made an impact on your income or ability to work. Examples of resources include food pantries, public housing, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), and even businesses in your local area. Additionally, here are five […]