What is “Long COVID” and Could You Earn Disability Benefits?

What is "Long COVID" and Could You Earn Disability Benefits?

The COVID-19 pandemic has reached nearly every corner of the world, and its effects on our daily lives have been far-reaching. While it may feel like the journey is coming to an end for most of us, many individuals are still dealing with the long-term impacts of this virus. Of the American adults who have […]

How to Document PTSD Symptoms to Earn Disability Benefits

How to Document PTSD to Earn Disability Benefits

Did you know that PTSD was originally referred to as “shell shock” during World War I, and “combat fatigue” during World War II? Over the years, we’ve come to understand that Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder isn’t exclusive to war or combat, but is rather a health condition triggered by a traumatic event – either experiencing or […]

Getting Approved: It’s Not the Luck of the Irish, & It’s No Pot of Gold

Getting Approved: It’s Not the Luck of the Irish, & It’s No Pot of Gold Disability Representative Near Me 417-812-6698

As St. Patrick’s Day approaches, I’m reminded of the many disability applicants who are convinced that good fortune alone will get their claim approved. It’s simply not the case. Years ago, I met a doctor who joked that disability determinations were made by tossing a coin down a set of stairs and seeing which way […]

What to Do if Your Disability Status is Being Audited

Roy Rickstrew Disability Representatives Near Me 417-882-1800

Tax season strikes fear in many of us. We can be as organized and ready as ever, but the lurking fear of filing incorrectly always lingers in the back of our minds. The same concept applies when we consider filing for disability.  Think of it like a health examination from the IRS; Social Security will […]

5 FREE Resources for People with Disabilities

Roy Rickstrew Disability Representatives Near Me 417-882-1800

Time to Read: 4 minutes There are many assistance programs for people struggling with a disability–especially if your health has made an impact on your income or ability to work. Examples of resources include food pantries, public housing, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), and even businesses in your local area. Additionally, here are five […]

How to Apply for Student Loan Relief if You Have a Disability

How to Get Your Student Loans Forgiven if You Have a Disability

Time to Read: 3 minutes I often get asked if an SSA disability approval will help with student loan financial hardship. In short, the easy answer is yes. Read more to explore 3 primary student loan forgiveness programs that can help with debt relief if you are on disability. Jump to Section: The VA 100% […]

“Can I Work and Get Disability?” What you Need to Know in 2024

Can I Work and Get Disability? Social Security’s disability-based programs are subdivided into two programs. With Social Security Disability Income (SSI), they will require the applicant to have been employed for a considerable part of their working lives. The requirements for this stipulation are adjusted per age group. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is available to […]

CAN’T or WON’T Take the Medication in Your Treatment Plan? My Advice 👇

Roy Rickstrew Disability Representative Near Me What if I Don't Take the Medicine My Doctor Prescribed

We’ve all heard those medication ads on TV, right? With that looooong list of side effects? Sometimes it even feels as if the side effects are WORSE than the condition it’s trying to treat!😬 I’ve seen some pretty awful situations when my clients didn’t feel comfortable taking the medicine that their doctor subscribed. So here’s […]